Waste To Energy – How Is It Beneficial?

by Alexander J.
Waste To Energy

If there’s something that every country has a problem solving, that’s the problem in waste management. Every country in the world is tackling the repercussions of human-made wastes in the environment. Fortunately, more and more people are getting aware and now joining the green revolution. One of the solutions that researchers see to mitigate environmental damage is converting municipal waste to usable electricity (more of this on this website). 

Garbage and wastes are turned into electricity by the use of incineration, or by only burning them. The heat will then turn into thermal energy that can be converted to electricity. However, to do so, a specialized facility is needed to follow the procedures safely and without environmental consequences. Here are some of the benefits that we can get by turning wastes into energy.

Four benefits of converting energy from waste

1. Reducing waste that goes to landfills and elsewhere

Waste To Energy

A lot of hazards can be transferred from landfills to both land and ocean. Wastes can poison the nearby soil and water areas, making the inhabitants in the areas in danger of ailments. By turning wastes into energy, it is estimated that wastes in landfills all around the world will be reduced by 90%. This is because the majority of the wastes will be going to be turned to energy if this concept has been adopted worldwide.

2. Eco-friendly and sustainable energy solution

As long as humans go on with their daily lives, there will always be wastes expected to be produced through everyday living. Product packages, especially food packages, are always used. Right now, humans don’t know what to do with this waste, which is produced regularly. With waste-converting facilities, we can have a sustainable energy solution that is better than other sources that we utilize right now. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone.

3. Giving livelihood to municipalities

Waste To Energy

Another great thing about converting wastes to energy is the enhanced economy of a specific area due to additional livelihood. One statement from the Energy Recovery Council revealed that waste to energy facilities are responsible for 58 or more full-time jobs. Most of the jobs in conversion facilities are long-term and can guarantee at least 40 years of job security.

4. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

How can burning out garbage reduce greenhouse gas emissions on the planet? Landfills produce a significant amount of methane. Methane is more potent than carbon dioxide and is one of the biggest known contributors to global warming. By converting wastes to energy, they won’t be able to produce more methane while helping in generating electricity at the same time.


Burning wastes are not the only way to convert them into energy. Organic wastes can be processed with thermal decomposition, which uses water and other compounds to generate fossil fuels. If the brightest minds of humanity can develop something that will address our wastes, it will not only benefit us in our daily lives. It will also help in mitigating the impact of global warming. 

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